Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Crested Penguin | Info-Facts and Photos

Crested-Penguin-01The Erect-Crested penguins have long, silky feathers that stand straight. This spiky, brush like feathers grow from the base of the bill to the top of the head giving this penguin a distinct look. They can also raise and lower these feathers on the crest, which none of the other crested penguins can do. These penguins are sometimes called the "Sclater's Penguins"

Erect-crested Penguins live and breed on four small islands south of New Zealand. The Erect-crested penguins tend to be very sociable and live in huge colonies close to Rockhopper Penguins. What makes these penguins different from the other four types of crested penguins is their spiky feathers which grow from the top of their bills past their heads. Erect-cresteds can raise and lower these feathers, which none of the other cresteds can do. Erect-crested nest in shallow holes in the ground. They use plant material to line the nests when they can find it. These penguins almost always lay two eggs, however only one chick will survive.

The Crested Penguin has a blue/black coloured back and flippers, with a black head and red beak. The underside of the crested penguin is completely white as are the patches that are found either side of the crested penguin's beak. The bright yellow eyebrows of the crested penguin (from where it gets its name), run from behind it's eyes along each side of it's head. The crested penguin is a medium sized penguin that inhabits it's native range in a colony with other crested penguin individuals. Although they spend the majority of their time together on land, crested penguins usually go out to sea with the rest of the colony but tend to hunt on their own, returning when they are full.
 Crested Penguin
 Crested Penguin
 Crested Penguin
Crested Penguin
 Crested Penguin
Crested Penguin
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