The encouraging propensities of the walrus are quite enticing. They devour sustenance's from the base of the water incorporating mollusks for example shellfishes. They have moreover been known to feast upon seals around there when they need to. Because of the vast size of the aforementioned creatures they need to devour extensive sums of sustenance every day. Ordinarily that can be about 6% of their generally speaking figure weight.
Walrus weighs more. Mature person guys will regularly weigh close two tons and the females are over one ton. Females can get to be as huge as 2,000 pounds and the guys keep developing until they are 14 or 15. Polar bears weigh around 900 pounds when they are full developed.
The Walrus
Walrus Couple
Walrus Dangerous Face
Mother Walrus and Calf
Wild Walrus
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