Friday, 23 December 2011

Fennec Fox | Wildlife

Fennec-Fox-05Fennec Foxes are 2-3 lb. canines with ears as large as 6 inches in length from Africa. Fennecs can make great pets since they can be easily trained to use a litter box and are fed an accessible high-quality dog or cat food, such as the Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet. The fennec fox has thick fur which helps to keep the fennec fox cool in the day and warm during cold nights. The large ears of the fennec fox help to regulate the body heat of the fennec fox helping to keep the fennec fox cool during the hot daytime hours. This is done by blood running near the skin in the ear. This helps dissipate the heat.

The Fennec Fox, sometimes called the Desert Fox, is the smallest member of the fox family. It grows to about 1 1/2 feet high and weighs an average of 3 pounds. The Fennec Fox is dust colored, which helps it blend in with its natural habitat, the Sahara Desert. Probably the most recognizable feature of the Fennec Fox is its large ears, which grow to about 6 inches. The Fennec Fox also has thick fur on its feet to protect them from the hot desert sands.

The Fennec Fox is also considered an exotic pet, and the diet of the Fennec Fox in captivity can be a bit challenging, since most people don't live in the desert. Some people have found that a mix of dog food, cat food, fruits and vegetables is an acceptable diet, with occasional fresh raw meat (not the rancid old package of beef left in the fridge too long). The best diet in captivity is the wild canid diet that zoos feed their wild creatures.
 Fennec Fox
 Fennec Fox
 Fennec Fox
 Fennec Fox
 Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox
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