Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Frilled Lizard | Wildlife

Frilled-Lizard-02The frilled lizard, or frilled dragon as it's sometimes known, is one of the more interesting looking lizards. When startled, the frilled has a defense mechanism whereby it fans out -or displays its large frill on its neck. It's other unique talent is its ability to sprint very fast, usually while displaying its frill. A male frilled can reach a length of 36 inches, and a female frilled can top out at around 24 inches. A bare minimum cage size should be 48 inches long, 24 inches deep, by 48 inches tall.

A frilled lizard enjoys basking on large branches. You should provide several branches for basking, which will also be used for hiding. They also enjoy a basking rock or two, or create your own fake rock wall.

Frilled lizards eat mainly insects, with the occasional veggie salad and the occasional pinky mouse. Silkworms are probably one of the more nutritious items you can provide -a little expensive. Crickets, superworms, and roaches should be gut loaded with nutritious foods 24 to 48 hours before they're Fed to your frilled. Babies and juveniles should be fed every day until they get their fill, while adults should be fed around four times a week. Click Here for more details. 
 Frilled Lizard
 Frilled Lizard
 Frilled Lizard
Frilled Lizard
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