Ferrets are fairly clean animals and do not require a lot of grooming. They can be brushed occasionally. If they get dirty you can give them a bath. Another alternative to bathing is sprinkling a powder such as talcum, cornflower, or chalk powder on the coat and brush it off. Nails must be kept trimmed. The ears should be checked for any signs of parasite; a ferret can get the same kinds of ear parasites as cats and dogs. Teeth should be checked on a regular basis for signs of sore gums or clumps of food which can be wiped away. Getting your ferret used to you looking at his teeth will make it easier for you to give your ferret a pill if you ever need to do so. You can also brush your ferrets teeth with a toothpaste made for dogs.
Ferrets are subject to getting the same diseases as a dog can contact. Therefore it is important to get a ferret its necessary shots. They are also prone to adrenal gland disease, lymphoma, and pancreatic tumors. Young ferrets often eat foreign objects and become obstructed.Ferrets are able to breed when they are only 5 to 6 month old. In the United States, almost all pet ferrets are neutered. This is generally done while the pets are very young (4-6 weeks of age)
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