Friday, 23 December 2011

The Fin Whale | Info & Photos 2012

Fin-Whale-01The Fin Whale is found in oceans all over the world, from the tropics to the polar areas. They are known as a pelagic species, often occuring in shallow waters close to the shore. Even though they are found in oceans across the world, they are not as common in tropical waters or ice laden seas.

Fin whales are more sociable than the other rorquals often being found in small pods of 2-7 individuals (but rarely up to 20). This kind of behavior is often associated with feeding techniques and it is likely that this is the reason. Fin whales are known to dive deeper than most baleen whales, to 200m again for feeding reasons. These behavioral characteristics and feeding behavior add up to Fin whales occupying a different "niche" to the other large filter feeding whales and so allowing them to co-exist in similar regions as they feed on different types or sizes of food.

Fin Whale often feed by swimming at the surface on their sides scooping up water and prey as they go, this is done on their right sides so that the white lower jaw and baleen are pointing downwards and may be the reason for this asymmetrical colouration. Though smaller than blue whales and not having quite the same prodigious appetite, Fin whales have been calculated as consuming as much as 2.8 tonnes of food a day while feeding in the Antarctic in the summer months.
 Fin Whale
 Fin Whale
 Fin Whale
 Fin Whale
Fin Whale
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Whittney said...

The third picture from the bottom looks more like orca than fin.

Unknown said...

@Whitteny, isn't Fin? I thought it's fin because it looks like Fin. Well, I will change it as soon as possible, thanks for the comment.

Cornelis said...

The top photo is an Antarctic minke whale. Note the small, pointed rostrum (upper jaw) and low splashguard (the area in front of the blowholes). Fin whales have a much longer and broader rostrum and a prominent, raised splashguard.

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