Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Fox | Wildlife

Fox-06Foxes are widespread in France, but only seen infrequently, being generally afraid of contact with humans. About the size of a small dog, foxes are rarely mistaken for any other animal - their red-orange colouring and white underside, pointed nose and bushy tail are very easily identifiable.

Foxes live for about two years, in dens that can be underground or concealed under piles of old wood etc. Unlike wolves, foxes prefer to hunt alone, with rodents, eggs, birds, inseacts and fruit representing the majority of the diet. They usually hunt and eat around dawn and dusk.

Foxes do not form packs like wolves. They are solitary creatures, Otherwise there are family groups during parts of the year. They have territorys of 3 to 10 square miles. Depending on available food resources. They use dens of other animals, Other than the main den they have others for rest. Between are paths they use when moving around their territory. Which takes them through their favorite hunting areas. They can run up to 30 miles per hour (48km per hour). And jump over objects up to 6 ft.(2m). 
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