Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Crab | Information-Photos

Crab-01Crabs are easy to be found in both traditional markets and supermarkets. Crabs are also presented as seafood in a variety of cuisine in both the stalls tent on the roadside and restaurant. Crab can be processed into a variety of delicious dishes like sweet and sour crab, crab seasoning, black pepper spiced crab, curry crab, asparagus crab or even omelet crab, or just boiled crab. Crab meat is not only desirable because it tastes delicious but also contain a variety of healthful essential nutrients.

Crab is one of the oldest species on earth. The horseshoe crab dates back over 200 million years and is literally a living fossil. It's easy to tell the difference between a male and female (she-crab) by looking at the underside of the shell (see photos). The female has a broad, triangular-shaped area in the center of the shell, whereas the male has a distinctive, elongated spire in the center.

Crabs are various species of decapods. They are crustaceans with five pairs of legs, the first pair modified to form a pair of pincers, a flattish shell, and a short, broad abdomen folded under its thorax. There are two main groups of crabs: the Brachyura or true crabs, and the Paguroidea, or hermit crabs. Crabs are related to lobsters and shrimps.
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