Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Cockroach | Photos and Info

Cockroach-01Cockroaches have inhabited the earth for more than 250 million years. There are over 4,000 kinds with only 30 being the kind to be near human dwellings. There are American ones, Asian (perhaps the most destructive), German, Surinamian, Peruvian, and Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches... Brown Cockroaches, Wingless Cockroaches... and they are all coming to eat your Cheerios and Cornflakes because they love your cereal even more than you do. More money is spent to control cockroaches in the United States than any other pest. They are the number one urban pest throughout the world.

Cockroaches will eat anything - food, leather, hair, and the glue in book bindings. They can live off the toothpaste residue in your toothbrush. They are cannibals and take a particular liking to each others' excrement. In extreme cases roaches will feed off people.
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