Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Crab-Eating Macaque | Photos

Crab-Eating-Macaque-01The crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis), also known as the Java macaque, or long-tailed macaque, is a species of primate located throughout Southeast Asia. The species is sexually dimorphic, so the crab-eating macaque weighs between 4.8 to 7 kg for males and 3 to 4kg for females. It has a body length of 43cm, and has a greyish-brown or reddish tail that extends up to 60cm beyond its body length. Color varies from grey-brown to reddish brown, fading away ventrally. Macaques inhabit a variety of habitats in southeastern Asia, but are often found near water due to their tendency to subsist off of crabs. The crab-eating macaques also consume fruits, flowers, insects, leaves, fungi and clay for its potassium. It eats for about 18.3 minutes at a time, and on average 20 times a day. Visit Here for more details.
 Crab-Eating Macaque 
 Crab-Eating Macaque 
 Crab-Eating Macaque 
 Crab-Eating Macaque 
Crab-Eating Macaque 
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