Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Chicken | Info and Photos 2012

Chicken-01Chicken breeds are many and some people breed chickens for its eggs. There are also some that breed chicken both for its eggs and as table meat.  The eggs that can be bought from the market are usually from the more popular breeds which are the Rhode Island Red and the Longhorn. They usually lay the white and brown eggs that we buy from supermarkets.

Chickens are very sociable birds and are at their happiest when surrounded by other chickens. In one chicken flock there can be any number of hens but generally only one cockerel who is the dominant male. The dominant cockerel pushes other cockerels out of their flock when they start becoming big enough to be a threat to him. The dominant male is usually the mating partner for all of the hens that he watches over. Chicken is one of the most widespread meats in the world with numerous cultures having their own special ways to prepare and eat chickens. The UK's most common dish is roast chicken, the USA's most common dish is fried chicken and in China they use every part of the chicken including their feet which are commonly found in soup.
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