Cheetahs are extremely shy creatures and although they roam widely, the Cheetah is not often seen as easily as some other cats due to their reclusive nature. Due to habitat destruction and loss of species to prey upon, Cheetahs have become extinct in many areas where they formerly ranged. These animals are also prone to disease due to the genetic weaknesses inherent from inbreeding and so close in metabolic structure they are the only animal on earth that could accept a skin graft from one another. Although this sounds like an amazing attribute, it is devastating genetically. This means there is no diversification making them very susceptible to fall victim to diseases with little defense in their immune systems
Cheetah has a slender, long-legged body with blunt semi-retractile claws. Its coat is tan with small, round, black spots, and the fur is coarse and short. The cheetah has a small head with high-set eyes. Black "tear marks," which run from the inside corner of its eyes down the sides of the nose to the outside of its mouth, keep the sun out of its eyes, and aid in hunting.
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