Coati is a very sociable animal. Female coatis and their young travel in bands of 4 to 24. Males live alone most of the time except during the mating season. Coatis eat fruits, nuts, small rodents and reptiles, snails, and insects. the lifespan of this adorable creature is fourteen (14) years. Females give birth to 3-7 youngsters after a gestation of 75 days. Young open their eyes at 10 days old, can stand at 20 days, can climb trees at 30 days and can eat solid foods at 4 months.
Coati is called a hog-nosed coon because of its long snout. Its nose is very sensitive, which is great for sniffing out food. If the coati smells food underground they will dig it out using their strong claws. The only other member of this species, the Brown-nosed Coati (Nasua narica) occurs only in South America. Coatis eat fruits, nuts, small rodents and reptiles, snails, and insects.
i have seen one in s/e Arizona years ago and hand feed it it was as large as a med dog..it was attack i think by a puma as it head had claw marks
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