Thursday, 22 March 2012

Cat | Facts and Photos-Images

Cat-01Cats are very clean animals. In general they will take care of their own grooming needs, grooming themselves with their rough tongue. Some long haired cats may need to be brushed. A cat who suddenly stops grooming themselves may be showing signs of illness and should be taken to the vet for a check up. Cats whiskers should never be cut as they are used for balance; their tail is also used for balance.

Cats can live solely indoors, indoors and outdoors, or solely outdoors. Cats who are kept solely outdoors need to have some sort of shelter provided, such as a barn. Cats are one of the essential elements on a working farm. They control the rodent population keeping them out of the feed. One farmer reports that he had a rat in every stall of his barn until he brought cats into his establishment. Since then he has not seen a single rat. Cats cannot be kept in cages such as rabbit hutches, they must live inside your home or free outside. A cat will go crazy if confined to a small cage for a long period of time. If you plan to keep your cat outdoors first consider the area you live, some areas are not safe for a cat to live outdoors. A cat is a good pet for apartment life.
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