Thursday, 22 March 2012

Cassowary | Info-Facts and Photos 2012

Cassowary-07Cassowary is considered as one of the most dangerous birds in the world. Whenever it was kept in a zoo, it had attacked and injured its caretaker seriously. The bird is capable of delivering fatal blows. This flightless bird is found in the rainforests of Australia and New Guinea. It is actually a shy bird and likes to lead a calm and quiet life. Only when irritated by human beings, it becomes furious. The dagger-like sharp claws can deliver a bone-breaking kick within a fraction of a second. Here are some interesting cassowary facts for kids.

Cassowary is one of the largest birds in the world.  Only the ostrich and emu are larger than this funny looking bird.   You have probably noticed that the feathers contrast greatly with the brightly coloured head and throat.  The coarse, black feathers  are adapted to handling the thick brush of the rainforest. It acts as a thick coat to protect the bird from being punctured while running full tilt through the bush.
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