Friday, 30 March 2012

Caracal | Wildlife Facts and New Photos

Caracal-01Caracals are also called desert lynx because of their resemblance to lynx. They can survive for long periods without water, obtaining moisture from their prey. “Karakal” is Turkish for “black ears.” Their ears are larger than most other cats, and they are topped by long, black tufts of fur. Caracals are agile tree-climbers, and will sometimes store the remains of their prey in the forks of trees or bushes. They are known for their bird-catching abilities. Their strong legs and big paws enable them to jump up and knock birds out of the air.

Caracal is a very territorial creature and it will become very aggressive to any types of animals that invade that space. They either live alone or in pairs. The females have a home range that is about 22 square miles. The males have a home range that can be four times larger. They use hissing, purring, and growling for communication. They also give a strange barking sound when they need to warn of dangers.

Caracal is a night time hunter. Their food sources include mainly hares and rodents. They also consume birds often. The design of their bodies allows them to leap very high. It is common for them to capture birds that are still in flight.It isn’t really known how many Caracal live in the wild. They hide very well and that makes it hard to count them. They are considered to be a nuisance by many because the will kill chickens and small goats or sheep. In the Moscow Zoo the Caracal has been bred successfully with the domestic cat.
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