Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Dusky Dolphin | Photos and Info-Facts

Dusky-Dolphin-01The Dusky Dolphin is a coastal dolphin. It can be found in the Southern Hemisphere near the shores of South America, South Africa and New Zealand. The Dusky Dolphin has a spindle shaped body and the snout is short and isn't really distinct and it is rather well rounded. The dorsal fin is medium high, falcate and a bit more vertical then the other species. The flukes are small compared to the rest of the body, and the pectorals are extended from the dolphin's body. There are 24 to 36 small coned shaped teeth on each jaw of this dolphin.   The back and snout are a dark grey. While the stomach is usually white. The top of the flanks are a light grey, and the upper part of the dorsal is a light grey. The pectorals, and the flukes are also dark grey.

The dusky dolphin is a medium sized species and they vary in color from a dark gray to a shade of black. They also have white on their belly and under their head. They have a long body that is similar to that of a spindle. It also features a short nose and a high located dorsal fin. In the mouth they have about 36 sharp teeth. 

The dusky dolphin is well known for the various jumps and acrobatics that it can complete. They form groups but mainly there are male groups and then the females with their offspring form groups. The males and females generally stay separate unless they are mating. They may form small groups of about 10 or large groups of 1,000 or more.

The dusky dolphin has some eating habits that may surprise you. In addition to squid and various types of fish, they also consume anything that gets close to the water. That includes birds, cats and dogs, and even tomatoes. They also consume anchiovies and octopus. 

The dusky dolphins often hunt in groups, using sonar abilities to gather schools of fish to a given area. They have been observed slamming htier bodies onto the water. This somehow attracts food to them so they don’t have to go out in search of it.
 The Dusky Dolphin
 The Dusky Dolphin
 The Dusky Dolphin
 The Dusky Dolphin
The Dusky Dolphin
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