Saturday, 21 January 2012

Dodo | Info-History and Photos

dodo-01The Dodo were huge birds of unknown species that existed only on the island of Mauritius which had no human habitation prior to 1598. Due to its short wings and bulky body the dodo could not fly or flee in the face of danger.For many years people have been using the above description when referring to the Dodo. However, new research carried out in the United Kingdom has revealed two important things we did not know before about this extinct bird.

The dodo had a large body, stubby wings, a small, curved tail, short legs, and a large beak. The feathers of the dodo were grey, black and white in colour and the large curved beak of the dodo is one of it's most distinctive features. The dodo is a large sized bird that adapted to a life without large ground-dwelling predators, which led to the dodo to behave quite unusually for a bird. Despite having wings, the dodo was unable to fly as they were quite too small and weak to support the rounded body of the dodo. The dodo was also known to have been fearless of the European invaders which ultimately led to the demise of the species.

Dodos may have thinned the Mauritius forests, and some plants may have come to depend on them to spread their seeds. One of the brighter aspects of recent history indicates that some human beings are now desperately trying to save various endangered species, although considering the increase in the populations of humans and the space they are always occupying and their continuous acquisition of natural resources, this may be a losing battle.
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arthound said...

Thanks for using the image of my steel Dodo sculpture. You can see more at

Donald Gialanella

Unknown said...

Dodo looks awesome species of bird. We couldn't save it

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