Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Grey Mouse Lemur | Wildlife

Grey-Mouse-Lemur-01The Wildlife | Grizzly Bear  | Grey Mouse Lemurs come in a huge range of shapes and sizes. The largest of the species can be up to 15 lb (6.8 kg) and the smallest lemur is in fact the world’s smallest primate. The Madame Berthe’s mouse lemur weighs around 1.1 oz (30 g) and is absolutely minute. Extinct members of this species are said to have weighed up to 350-440 lb (160-200 kg). The majority of lemurs have long pointed noses.

The Grey Mouse Lemur mainly eats insects but will also feed on plants, leaves, fruit and flowers, and will occasionally eat small reptiles such as chameleons and tree frogs.It is a tree-dwelling primate and can be found in various forest-types throughout Madagascar but mainly in the dry, deciduous forests of the South and West.
The Grey Mouse Lemur is one of the least threatened of all lemur species. Its abundance is most likely due its small size and variable diet. All lemurs are protected by laws that make them illegal to hunt or capture. Despite this, they are often caught and sold as pets. Loss of habitat is the largest current threat to lemur populations. In particular, deforestation poses the greatest risk to this species.
 Grey Mouse Lemur
 Grey Mouse Lemur
 Grey Mouse Lemur
 Grey Mouse Lemur
 Grey Mouse Lemur
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