Thursday, 27 October 2011

Grasshopper | Wildlife

Grasshopper-Image-01The Wildlife | Grasshopper  | There are hundreds of species of grasshoppers in North America, but only a few that cause damage to  crops and rangeland.  Some of the species that cause damage are the clear-winged, the migratory, the two-striped, the packard, the differential, and the redlegged grasshoppers.

Eco Bran is a grasshopper control product that uses wheat bran infused with carbaryl.  We have reduced the percentage of chemical used in liquid applications by up to 98% by weight. An environmentally responsible grasshopper control that is a non-contact product that must be ingested.  This reduces the eradication of non-chewing insects and birds. Eco Bran can also be used for the control of locusts and Mormon crickets. For more details Click Here

Grasshoppers belong to the order Orthoptera. Longhorned grasshoppers make up the family Tettigoniidae. The Mormon cricket is classified as Anabrus simplex. Pygmy grasshoppers make up the family Tetrigidae. Shorthorned grasshoppers make up the family Acrididae. The American grasshopper is classified as Schistocerca americana. 
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