Kingfishers exist in both woodland and wetland environments, and exhibit a unyielding presence. Dipping down suddenly, they subtly catch the banner. If there are reptiles, loaches, vast worms, or fish, nothing makes the Kingfisher once more up from a generous food. The Kingfisher could without a doubt pull a fish up if there were an extension great enough to slaughter it on. Kingfishers chasing out of their weight class are engaging to watch nose wrestle with their outsize prey.
The Kingfisher sees all things, buzzing around and in the water. Trimming while roosting, the sharp eyes, dexterous flight, and remorseless bill mean the Kingfisher prey is twig sushi is no time. Kingfishers emanate a constant cricket like "wheet" that may quiet prey into a loose state. A calm Kingfisher is still an eager Kingfisher however. The Kingfisher eyes have a specific playing point for double earth predation, a bending indigenous lens equipped to center in the contrasting chasing dominions.
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