Bull Sharks generally live to be about 16 years old in the wild. They can grow up approxaimatly from 7 to 11.5 feet and 2.1 to 3.4 meters in lenght and their weight between 200 and 500 punds. Bull Sharks swim when it's warm. There are almost 375 species of sharks in the world but three kinds of sharks are known as most dangerous and they mostly like to attck humans and other fishes/sharks, they are known as Bull Shark, The great white shark and the Tiger shark. Mostly poeple like to use Bull Sharks for food because of their hides and for oils. Many researchers found that their populations may be shrinking. Below we have some of Bull Shark's most latest photographs, hope you would like to see such a great creature underwater in photos and images.
Bull Sharks Latest Photographs:
Bull Shark
Bull Shark
Bull Shark
Bull Shark
Bull Shark
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