Friday, 22 June 2012

Budgerigar Facts and Latest Photographs

Budgerigar-02Budgerigar is a small colourful bird native to Australia. The budgerigar is thought to be a sub-species of parrot, making the budgerigar one of the smallest parrot species in the world. They come in a huge range of colours and varieties, they can be tamed and trained to talk, they do not have complicated needs, and are easy to breed. Having said all this, I must also say that like any pet, they do need to be respected, well cared for and have their basic needs met.

Budgerigar is a very sociable bird and budgies can been seen gathering in large flocks in trees and scrub land in the Australian wilderness. Pet budgerigars should always be kept at least with one other budgerigar to prevent them from getting lonely. The wild budgerigar tends to feed on grass seeds and occasional insects.

Budgerigar are usually found in a wide range of areas in the dryer interior of Australia, but they can also be found in the semi arid and sub humid parts. There are some seasonal movements for budgies though, where they can head northward during the winter. If you are in the right climate and right area, Budgies can be found in spinifex, dry mallee and mulga scrub, riverine woodland and farmland. The budgie’s population in the wild is estimated at around 5,000,000. 
 Green Budgerigar
 Yellow Budgerigar
 Blue Budgerigar
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Monday, 11 June 2012

Buffalo Wildlife Facts and Latest Photographs 2012

Buffalo-03Buffaloes can live in herds of a few hundred, but have been known to congregate in thousands in the Serengeti during the rainy season. The females and their offspring make up the bulk of the herd. Males may spend much of their time in bachelor groups. These groups are of two types, those that contain males from 4 to 7 years of age and those that have males 12 years and older. The older bulls often prefer to be on their own. Males do not reach their full weight until about age 10. After this, however, their body weight and condition decline, probably because the teeth become worn.

Buffalo is also known as the African buffalo and the cape buffalo, as the buffalo is found in large herds across Africa but the buffalo is more prominent in South Africa.The buffalo has a very unpredictable nature which, along with the size of the buffalo, makes the buffalo a severe threat to humans. There are numerous buffalo attacks on humans every year and the buffalo is thought to be one of the most dangerous animals in Africa behind the hippo and the crocodile. Because of this the African buffalo has not been domesticated unlike the water buffalo in Asia.
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Friday, 8 June 2012

Bull Sharks Facts and Latest Photographs

Bull+Shark-01Bull Sharks are the most and very dangerous Sharks in the whole world. Bull Sharks are dangerous because they are aggressive species of shark, and they ofter tend to hunt under water where people mostly swim. Bull Sharks live in mostly many part wor world, but mostly found in shallow and warm ocean waters, they are also often found into freshwater rivers to swim up. Bull Sharks eat almost every thing but mostly their diet consists mainly of fish. They often eat dolphins and turties as well. Sometime they even eat other sharks and hunt often during the day and at night. 

Bull Sharks generally live to be about 16 years old in the wild. They can grow up approxaimatly from 7 to 11.5 feet and 2.1 to 3.4 meters in lenght and their weight between 200 and 500 punds. Bull Sharks swim when it's warm. There are almost 375 species of sharks in the world but three kinds of sharks are known as most dangerous and they mostly like to attck humans and other fishes/sharks, they are known as Bull Shark, The great white shark and the Tiger shark. Mostly poeple like to use Bull Sharks for food because of their hides and for oils. Many researchers found that their populations may be shrinking. Below we have some of Bull Shark's most latest photographs, hope you would like to see such a great creature underwater in photos and images.

Bull Sharks Latest Photographs:
 Bull Shark
 Bull Shark
 Bull Shark
 Bull Shark
Bull Shark

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Sunday, 3 June 2012

Bullfrog Facts and Latest Photographs

Bullfrog-01Bullfrog is a nocturnal feeder that will feast on just about anything they can fit into their gaping mouth including insects, birds, mice, snakes and fish.  Instead of relying solely on a long sticky tongue to eat, the bullfrog will use their powerful legs to ambush their prey.Bullfrogs will eat almost anything that they can catch, such as insects, fish, snakes, other frogs, and small mammals.

Bullfrogs live in water areas to keep their skin moist or wet.  These areas can be rivers, streams, ponds or wetlands. bullfrog’s skin is very wet and smooth.  They need to keep their skin wet all the time.  Bullfrogs drink and breathe through their skin.  They do not drink through their mouths.  Bullfrogs can see very good.  They have big eyes that are on the top of their heads.  The bullfrog’s ear is a round circle on the side of its eye.  Bullfrogs have sticky tongues to help them get their food.  Bullfrogs have very long and strong back legs.  Their back feet are webbed.  They use their feet like a paddle to help them swim.
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