Monday, 2 April 2012

Caiman Lizard | Info-Facts and New Photos 2012

Caiman+Lizard-07Caiman Lizard has a red-orange head. The body on the other hand is green. They have a laterally flattened tail. The head of the Caiman lizard is large with moveable eyelids. There scales are large and heavy. They live in wet forested areas of south america, rainforests, and vegetated swamps.

Caiman Lizards are aquatic and terrestrial.  They have powerful jaws, and use them to crush shelled insects, and then extract the soft parts using their flat, rounded teeth.  Young caiman lizards may be eaten by birds and larger mammals.  The name “caiman” comes from their appearance, which resembles the caiman crocodile of South America. Heavily hunted for the reptile leather trade, hundreds of thousands of these lizards are killed each year for their skin.

Caiman lizards in the wild will eat insects, snails, clams, and crawfish. Caiman lizards in captivity will eat insects, snails, canned at food, smelt, crawfish, and fidler crabs. The Adult size of the Fence Lizard is anywhere from 2 to 4 feet and weighs 3 to 6 lbs.
 Caiman Lizard
 Caiman Lizard
 Caiman Lizard
 Caiman Lizard
 Caiman Lizard
Caiman Lizard
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