Sunday 22 July 2012

Arctic Skua Bird Facts & Images

Arctic Skua BirdArctic Skuas are the smaller sized but quicker and more streamlined cousins of the Great skua. Although the large and loud Great skuas can make an impression on their power and powerful position, Arctic skuas are remarkable in their speed and agility in the air, attributes which make them so effective at harrying other birds just like guillemots and kittiwakes to drop the food they are carrying as they race over the sea back on the way to their reproduction corner.

Arctic Skuas live most of their life at sea, and come on land only to breed in the Arctic summer. Once young jaegers depart the nest, they may not visit land for two years—till they have themselves arrived at breeding age. Arctic skuas, like Great skuas, breed in back-to-back areas on the moorland of Handa, although their areas are lesser, generally with a size of between 10 and 20m. Here we have been able to show some of Arctic Skuas most new pictures-images given below.

Arctic Skua 2012
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
 Arctic Skua Bird
Arctic Skua Bird
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua Pic
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua 2012
Arctic Skua

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