Saturday, 28 July 2012

Audouin's Gull Facts & Photos

Audouin's Gull Audouin's Gull is a huge gull limited to the Mediterranean and the western coastline of Saharan Africa. It types on small islands colonially or only, resting 2-3 eggs on a floor nest. As is the situation with many gulls, it has typically been placed in the genus Larus.

Audouin's Gull is not exceptional in Spain but is extremely localized in the Delta del Ebro, and the Islas Chafarinas out of a total population of 17,000 couples for the entire of Spain, about 90% of the world's inhabitants and is thus very susceptible. 

Audouin's Gulls expend the summer nesting on separated stones and islands combined the northern coast of the Mediterranean. In August they scurry back again down to northern Africa. Often they depart in dribs and drabs, but if there occurs to be a northern gale spitting out at the right moment then they all go jointly. The nesting sites preferred by Audouin's gulls are also common with other gulls, and especially with the yellow-legged gull.
Audouin's Gull
 Audouin's Gull 
Audouin's Gull
 Audouin's Gull Flying
Audouin's Gull
 Audouin's Gull New Photo
Audouin's Gull Flying
 Audouin's Gull Cool Pic
Audouin's Gull
 Audouin's Gull 
Audouin's Gull 2012
 Audouin's Gull Best Shot
Audouin's Gull
Audouin's Gull 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Arctic Tern Bird Facts With Photographs

Arctic Tern 2012Arctic Tern is a comparatively little bird. It is also probably the most established. Although it is small it is even now able to achieve the amazing task of moving over 22,000 miles (35,000 km) every year. The range that it migrates is the longest of any bird. This distance would be precise if it flew in a directly line to where it was relocating to and from. But since it's going to take a lot of activities the range it flies every year is even greater. Actually the arctic tern practically never lands and is considered to be in daylight more than dark because of its migration.

Arctic TernArctic Tern male and female terns help incubate the eggs. The eggs hatch out in about 23 days after they are set. The hatchlings leave the nest rapidly and cover up in close by plants. Until finally they can feed their selves the parents catch small fish and carry it to them in their bills. They are exceptional for their cultural routines. They live jointly in groups of about 50 tern which are called hives. Often they will adopt to their nest various types of terns and sea gulls.

Arctic Terns would do anything achievable to stay out of the water. Terns don't swim properly although their legs are webbed simply because they have small legs so they jump down, catch the fish, and keep flying to stay out of the water. Arctic terns rarely ever land. So they eat while flying most of the time. When terns eat bugs they catch them "on the wing". This means they catch them while flying. Here we have some of Arctic Tern new cool pictures-images for 2012.
Arctic Tern Bird
 Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
 Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
 Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern Flying
 Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
 Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Arctic Skua Bird Facts & Images

Arctic Skua BirdArctic Skuas are the smaller sized but quicker and more streamlined cousins of the Great skua. Although the large and loud Great skuas can make an impression on their power and powerful position, Arctic skuas are remarkable in their speed and agility in the air, attributes which make them so effective at harrying other birds just like guillemots and kittiwakes to drop the food they are carrying as they race over the sea back on the way to their reproduction corner.

Arctic Skuas live most of their life at sea, and come on land only to breed in the Arctic summer. Once young jaegers depart the nest, they may not visit land for two years—till they have themselves arrived at breeding age. Arctic skuas, like Great skuas, breed in back-to-back areas on the moorland of Handa, although their areas are lesser, generally with a size of between 10 and 20m. Here we have been able to show some of Arctic Skuas most new pictures-images given below.

Arctic Skua 2012
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
 Arctic Skua Bird
Arctic Skua Bird
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua Pic
 Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua 2012
Arctic Skua

Thursday, 19 July 2012

American Robin Facts and Pictures

American RobinAmerican Robins are pleasant birds and very well-known in Europe. They can also be discovered in the Azores, Canary Islands, North Africa, central Russia, Turkey and Iran. American Robin is a migratory bird and associate of the thrush family. Several other thrushes and Old World flycatchers are also known to as robins. A male American Robin that sings a charming and continual song usually explained as a cheerily hazel. And these robins are said to be between the last songbirds noticed singing as evening places in. 

American Robin lives in heavy jungles, grasslands and fields. In winter, we find it in wet forests, wetlands, urban parts and parks. It likes open areas with small grass to feed, with trees and plants to nest and roost. It is a North American types, very unusual and temporary in Europe.
American Robin
American Robin feeds on various types of food, based to the season. It feeds on earthworms earlier in the day, and fruits later on. It hops on the place to get earthworms on area, and changes the head to see properly. Hundreds and even thousands of American Robins may obtain in winter to roost. While in summer, females stay at nest and males obtain. When the juveniles turn into separate, they join the males. Adult females be part of them at the end of the mating season.
American Robin
 American Robin
American Robin
 American Robin
American Robin
 American Robin
American Robin
 American Robin
American Robin
American Robin

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Alpine Chough Bird Facts and Images

Alpine ChoughAlpine Chough has shiny black plumage, a yellow bill, red legs, and unique calls. It has a confident acrobatic journey with commonly propagate flight feathers. The Alpine Chough sets for life and shows constancy to its reproduction site, which is generally a cave or crevice in a ledge face. It creates a covered keep nest and lays three to five brown-blotched whitish eggs. It feeds, normally in flocks, on small grazed grassland, taking mostly invertebrate feed in summer and fruit in winter; it will easily approach visitor sites to find additional food.

Alpine Chough is categorized as Least Concern. Does not are eligible for a more at risk group. Wide-spread and numerous taxa are involved in this group. The Alpine Chough discovered in Corsica and Crete, and the Red-billed Chough has communities in Ireland, the UK, the Isle of Man, and two places of the Ethiopian Highlands. Each types are non-migratory residents all through their range, only often walking around to nearby countries.
Alpine Chough
The Alpine Chough is a typical resident of the alps. It can be discovered generally above the tree line. During the winter months it can be viewed also around villages in the valleys. The Alpine Chough gained a lot by tourist. For that reason it should not be hard to appreciate Alpine Choughs at very close range at Mountain covers or at guesthouses throughout the summer months.
Alpine Chough Bird
 Alpine Chough Bird
Alpine Chough Flying
 Alpine Chough Flying
Alpine Chough
 Alpine Chough
Alpine Chough
 Alpine Chough Flying Moment
Alpine Chough
Alpine Chough

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Cape Cobra Facts and New Pictures-Images

Cape CobraCape Cobra is discoveredin the dry, semi-desert parts of southern Africa, mainly in the Northern Cape in South Africa and in sections of Botswana. In the Kalahari region, it is a yellowish color, with uniform brown speckles. It is a medium-sized snake, with grownups measuring between 120cm (46.8 in) and 180cm (70.2 in).

Cape Cobra is not a spitting snake, and when it feels confronted, it will hold its front section hard and spread its hood, making its head and throat seem bigger. Their main searcher are raptors and the mongoose, or localised variation, the meerkat. These two animals are sworn enemies and have marvelously fast, critical fights. Generally, a group of around three meerkats will take on a cape cobra if the snake efforts into their burrows or location. The honey badger, or ratel is another predator that the snake has to deal with. Check out below some of Cape Cobra's new pictures and images.
Cape Cobra
 Cape Cobra
Cape Cobra
 Cape Cobra
Cape Cobra
Cape Cobra
 Cape Cobra
Cape Cobra
Cape Cobra

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Bottlenose Dolphin Facts and Photographs

Bottlenose DolphinBottlenose Dolphins are actually small whales, and belong to the group known as 'toothed whales'. They are air breathing mammals so, even though they have adapted to the marine environment, they still must come to the surface to breathe through the blowhole on top of their heads. The common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) are so named because they have a short rounded snout or 'beak' that resembles a bottle.

Bottlenose Dolphins are found in warm waters all around the globe. They prefer tropical waters that are warm rather than cold. Most dolphins live anywhere in the world, but the Bottlenose species prefer only warm tropical waters. These dolphins are known as social beings and therefore will help one another find food. They mostly feed on fish, squid, shrimp, and other small sea life.
Bottlenose Dolphin
There are many interesting Bottlenose dolphin facts on reproduction and here are only a few. The Bottlenose is similar to us humans when it comes to reproduction. They mature between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. They then start to reproduce. A female Bottlenose will stay pregnant for 12 months. When the calf is born, the mother will take care of it for up to six years.
Bottlenose Dolphin
 Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin
 Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Brown Bear

Brown BearBrown Bear is one of the largest bear species. It ranges in color from dark to reddish brown to cream toned. They resemble but are generally larger than the black bear. They have longer claws for their different feeding habits and a stronger body mass. Brown bears tend to avoid humans (their only real enemy) and seldom attack unless they feel threatened. Yet, they can still be the fiercest and most dangerous of all bears.

Brown Bears like to feed in the morning and evening to avoid the afternoon heat. They eat all summer long to gain weight for the winter months. They are very mobile and have been know to travel long distances to food sources. Brown bears live in North America, Asia, and Europe. In North America their appearance and fur color varies depending on facts such as habitat, diet, season, etc. The state of Alaska contains 70 percent of the brown bear population in North America according to conservation records.

Brown Bear
Brown Bears are at the top of the food chain and have no predators. They will eat almost anything. They are omnivorous and will eat plants and other animals if available. Plants food are their main diet. What they eat depends on what kind of foods are available where they live and the particular season. The brown bear has lived as long as 47 years in captivity, but its life expectancy is 15 to 34 years in the wild. The brown bear species as a whole is said to be secure with fairly large numbers and range. However, the range of the bear in North America, Europe, and Asia has declined. In addition, it has been totally exterminated from North Africa. Regardless, it is still widely spread across 3 continents, and remains one of the most widely distributed terrestrial mammals on earth.
Brown Bear
 Brown Bear
Brown Bear
 Brown Bear
Brown Bear
 Brown Bear
Brown Bear
Brown Bear