Friday 22 June 2012

Budgerigar Facts and Latest Photographs

BudgerigarBudgerigar is a small colourful bird native to Australia. The budgerigar is thought to be a sub-species of parrot, making the budgerigar one of the smallest parrot species in the world. They come in a huge range of colours and varieties, they can be tamed and trained to talk, they do not have complicated needs, and are easy to breed. Having said all this, I must also say that like any pet, they do need to be respected, well cared for and have their basic needs met.

Budgerigar is a very sociable bird and budgies can been seen gathering in large flocks in trees and scrub land in the Australian wilderness. Pet budgerigars should always be kept at least with one other budgerigar to prevent them from getting lonely. The wild budgerigar tends to feed on grass seeds and occasional insects.

Budgerigar are usually found in a wide range of areas in the dryer interior of Australia, but they can also be found in the semi arid and sub humid parts. There are some seasonal movements for budgies though, where they can head northward during the winter. If you are in the right climate and right area, Budgies can be found in spinifex, dry mallee and mulga scrub, riverine woodland and farmland. The budgie’s population in the wild is estimated at around 5,000,000. 
 Green Budgerigar
 Yellow Budgerigar
 Blue Budgerigar

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