Sunday 12 February 2012

Cow | Information-Photos 2012

Cows are called ruminants and can eat grass and other plants.  Their stomachs have four chambers so that the cow can swallow, get the food partly digested, and then bring it back to chew on it again.  The stuff that comes back up is called cud. Thousands of years ago, human beings began using cattle as a source of food, clothing material, and transportation. Farmers have different names for the different kinds of cattle.

Cows mostly eat grass, which they digest in stages using four compartments in their stomach. They also need a lot of water each day to stay hydrated. Their waste products, called manure, can be turned into fertilizer by thrifty farmers. Cows are important animals in many ancient cultures. In India, cows are sacred. They were also important symbols of fertility and creation in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Visit Here for more details.

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