Wednesday 4 January 2012

Electric Eel | Info and Photos

Electric eels live in muddy waters and have poor vision; they rely on low levels of electrical fields to navigate and explore their surroundings. Higher levels of voltage are generated to stun or kill prey and to protect eels from predators.Although not true eels, these nearly scaleless fish look the part with long, cylindrical bodies and a slightly flattened head. The electric eel has no dorsal fin, but the anal fin extends from the tip of the tail nearly to the chin. This sinuous fin flutters like a ribbon, allowing the fish to move forward and backward with equal ease.

Electric eels are found in murky pools and calm stretches of the middle and lower Amazon and Orinoco River basins in South America. With modified gills, the electric eel is well adapted to these poorly oxygenated waters because it gets most of the oxygen it needs to survive by gulping air at the surface.

Electric eels are abundant throughout their range, but cannot be collected without a scientific permit.Some areas, such as Australia, have strict laws prohibiting hobbyists from keeping electric eels because they pose a potential threat to local fish and human populations if they were to escape. Click Here for more information.
 Electric Eel
 Electric Eel
 Electric Eel
 Electric Eel
Electric Eel

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